The ICCF Congress 2010, in conjunction with meetings of the Services Committee, Executive Board and Management Committee, took place in the Kemer Limak Limra Hotel. Sixty-four participants from 20 countries participated in the closing dinner with the presence of Ali Nihat Yazici, the President of Turkish Chess Federation. Mr. Yazici expressed his great pleasure to being host for this distinguished organization and presented the memorial plates to the ICCF 16th World Chess Champion, Tunc Hamarat and ICCF President, Eric Ruch. On Wednesday evening, Turkish Grandmaster Haznedazoglu treated the conference participants to a simultaneous chess exhibition
Participants of the Congress and accompanying persons were offered a most enjoyable excursion to the Tahtali Mountain and to the ancient cities of Olympos and Phaselis .
Tournament Medals and Certificates
the ICCF Congress 2010, the following tournament medals and
certificates were presented: Olympiad
XIII 6 Silver medals Czech Republic, 6
Bronze medals Poland Olympiad
XV 6 Silver Medals Germany, 6
Bronze medals Netherlands Ladies
Olympiad VII 5 Gold Medals Slovenia, 5
Silver Medals Lithuania, 5
Bronze Medals Germany World
Championship XXII Gold Aleksandr Surenovich Dronov RUS, Silver
Jürgen Bücker GER, Bronze
Joop J. Van Oosterom NED Ladies
World Championship VIII Gold
Olga Mikhailovna Sukhareva RUS, Silver
Marie Baantov CZE, Bronze
Ricarda Flügel GER European
Individual Champions 65th
Final (EU/FSM/65) Winner (Gold) Christophe Pauwels BEL 66th
Final (EU/FSM/66) Winner (Gold) Carlos Cruzado Dueñas ESP CADAP
Individual Champions XVIII
(18th) Winner (Gold) Héctor Walsh ARG XIX
(19th) Winner (Gold) Luis Almiron BRA Asian
Individual Champions 4th
Winner (Gold) Mark F. Noble NZL 5th
Winner (Gold) Mark F. Noble NZL 9th Pan-American Team Championship 4 Gold Medals United States (USA), (Silver
and Bronze still undetermined) Certificates
only will be presented to the Members of the winning team (Europe A)
of Interzonal 4 (2006-10) 8 Boards, plus Team Captain. Certificates
only will be presented for the Jubilee Postal Open: 1st
Yoav Dothan ISR, 2nd
Helmut Edelmann GER, 3rd
Bernard Campant FRA, 4th
Cenek Teichmann CZE, Hilmar
Krger GER .
ICCF Blitz Tournament On Tuesday evening, some ICCF players had a traditional Blitz Tournament, in which Per Söderberg, the Swedish delegate and Playing Rules Commissioner trounced the field with a score of 11,5 points. Tansel Turgut (TUR) and Mark Noble (NZL) finished in second and the third place with 10.5 points
Membership matters The
ICCF President referred to the General Secretary.s Report and
described the action, which had been taken with the suspension from
01.01.2009 of seven Member Federations that had not paid long
outstanding fees, namely Colombia, Ecuador, Indonesia, Kenya,
Turkmenistan, Tunisia and Venezuela. Three more Federations were added
on 01.01.2010 to this list for non-payment of Membership dues:
Singapore, Panama, and Uruguay. It was noted that if any Federation
remains on the suspended list for more than 3-years, they will be
dropped from the roles of ICCF and should they wish to rejoin, they
must apply again as a new Member Federation. On
01.09.10 (within the allowable submission period), ICCF received an
affiliated club application from the Deutscher E-Mail Schach Club (DESC).
The application is appended in General Secretary Report. Application
was submitted under ICCF Statutes Section 2.9. Voting Results: Yes: 00,
No: 44, unanimous Abs: 00, NV: 00 Further
discussion ensured concerning the wording of Section 2.9.1 of the ICCF
Statutes covering International Affiliated Club requirements and
application procedures. It was agreed the wording lacked clarity and
requirements in several places. The proposed new wording was referred
back to the EB for work and proposal before the 2011 Congress to
provide enhanced guidelines and clarification for application
processing. ICCF Honorary President, Alan P. Borwell, kindly offered
to assist in the drafting of the proposed revision of the section.
Mr. Borwell has provided the following working draft as an alternative proposal: 2.9.1 An international correspondence chess club is defined as one having a formal structure, constitution, and collective administration and has: (a)
An international, not national, name/description (b)
Objectives which are clear about its international, not national
orientation (c)
Languages of Federation are international with English, e.g., website,
etc. (d)
Office bearers are from several different countries (e)
Not more than XX% of players (Members) belong to one country (f)
Alignment and compliance with Article 1.3 of the ICCF Statutes Minimum
numbers of members could also be specified as a requirement. . The Award of Bertl von Massow Medals The
ICCF President outlined the background and criteria which applied for
Bertl von Massow awards: - "Medals in Gold and Silver were
awarded respectively for 15 and 10 years of faithful service to ICCF,
as the Delegate of a National organisation, as Member of the Executive
Board, Management Committee or Commissions, for Zonal organisations or
as a Tournament Director, or as Team Captain of a winning or highly
placed team in an Olympiad or Continental (Zonal) Team Tournament".
The ICCF President then announced the names of officials that the ICCF Executive Board had agreed should receive Bertl von Massow awards in 2010. Each recipient (or their respective delegate) came forward to receive medals and certificates, with the acclamation of Congress. In Gold, for 15 years meritorious work for ICCF to: Guido Bresadola (ITA), Jaromr Canibal (CZE), Thed Klauner (LUX), Dmitry Lybin (BLS).
In Silver, for 10 years meritorious work for ICCF to: Everdinand Knol (RSA), Nikolay Poleshchuk (RUS), The ICCF President, on behalf of the Executive Board, proposed that ICCF Honorary Membership be awarded to Dr. Fritz Baumbach (GER ) In recognition of his substantial contribution to ICCF and international correspondence chess for 20 years. The proposal was carried unanimously and with acclamation by Congress. Dr. Baumbach received his award a made a short appreciation speech to all attendees. .