ICCF Congress - Seixal, Portugal 2002

from 5th to 12th October 2002


Belisa, Sandra, João Coutinho, Carla




The Townhall of Seixal (Portugal), in January 2000, through the responsible for the development of Chess in this Municipality, decided to organise the ICCF Congress.

At that time no one realised exactly what that was all about, the dimension and the importance of this event.   After preparing all the initial things, there we were running to the airport, getting all the day to day things done, and on, and on...

Now, after an intense week of Chess and after some rest, we can Say that all the positive expectations were exceed.  Day and night were spent in an environment of friendship, between people were colour, race and social-economical levels didn’t matter.  People coming from the Four Corners of the world had fun and contributed for others to enjoy themselves, in Quinta Valenciana just across the river from Lisbon. 

During that week organisers could testify discipline, concentration, seriousness, friendship and solidarity between all.   For us it stands clear why correspondence Chess lovers say: “Amici Sumus”.

All the best... Hooray for the ICCF Congress 2003 in the Czech Republic.  



        Carla with the daughter


with Donato Guerrini


            with Dmitry Lybin

 with Maurizio Sampieri            


Seixal album


Seixal Congress